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Treffers 1 t/m 15 van 15

 #   Vindplaats-ID   Naam 
1 R15 Arie Kamans 
2 R7 British Library 
3 R11 Bruce A. Hamilton, personal library 
4 R12 Collection of Nigel Munro 
5 R10 Los Angeles Family History Center 
6 R14 National Archives of Scotland (Scotlands People) 
7 R5 On restricted order from most public libraries in UK 
8 R2 Publicatiedatabank IenW 
9 R1 Rijksarchief (Hasselt) 
10 R3 Rijksarchief Limburg (Maastricht) 
11 R13 Social Security Death Index 
12 R4 Source repository 
13 R6 St. Albans Public Library 
14 R9 
15 R8 [no name] 

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Gegevens onderhouden door Peter Fasol.

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